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International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE)

ISSN (Print):2394-5443    ISSN (Online):2394-7454
Volume-11 Issue-112 March-2024
Full-Text PDF
Paper Title : Multi-criteria analysis for the best route selection of resilience hinterland connection: a case study of South Sumatra province, Indonesia
Author Name : Nobel Nawawi, Erika Buchari, Joni Arliansyah and Decky Oktavian Syah
Abstract :

The South Sumatra province faces several challenges in maintaining a resilient hinterland connection due to high rates of road damage. National roads are dominated by heavy vehicle mix, which reaches 64% and leads to road congestion caused by over-dimension over-loading vehicles. In addition, the province's lowland geography and high rainfall lead to some roads being submerged during the rainy season. There are also inconsistencies in handling standards between national, provincial, and local roads which pose challenges for road usage. To address these issues, a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) was conducted, which resulted in a new method replacing the pavement management system (PMS) with a global road management system (GRMS). The research also identified criteria for the road management system, with transportation receiving the highest score of 3.76. This suggests that, among the stated criteria, transportation mobility is still the most important factor in assessing the performance of the road network. The analysis produced new criteria, including technique, transportation, economy, and ecology, with the best route being Route Lampung-Oku-Palembang, which received a score of 3.85 and was deemed a top priority.

Keywords : Hinterland connection, Resilience, Global roads management system.
Cite this article : Nawawi N, Buchari E, Arliansyah J, Syah DO. Multi-criteria analysis for the best route selection of resilience hinterland connection: a case study of South Sumatra province, Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration. 2024; 11(112):420-436. DOI:10.19101/IJATEE.2023.10102467.
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