(Publisher of Peer Reviewed Open Access Journals)

ACCENTS Transactions on Information Security (TIS)

ISSN (Print):XXXX    ISSN (Online):2455-7196
Volume-9 Issue-37 October-2024
Full-Text PDF
Paper Title : Enhanced data security in cloud environments: integrating AES, RC6 encryption, and support vector machine
Author Name : MD. Zakir Hussain and Sujeet Gautam
Abstract :

The secure management of data in cloud environments is critical due to the sensitive nature of the information involved. This paper discusses an innovative multi-layered approach to strengthen data security by integrating advanced encryption standard (AES), Rivest cipher (RC6) encryption, and support vector machine (SVM) (AES-RC6-SVM). AES provides a robust foundation with its fast and secure symmetric encryption capabilities, ideal for processing large datasets efficiently. RC6, offers flexibility in key length and block size, adding an additional security layer. The integration of SVM enables real-time anomaly detection and enhances overall system security by identifying potential intrusions and unusual patterns. Evaluations on various datasets show that the AES-RC6-SVM model achieved an accuracy of 94%, with precision and recall rates of 95% and 92% respectively, significantly higher than models using AES or RC6 alone. This paper proves that the proposed AES-RC6-SVM framework not only ensures high-level encryption but also employs machine learning techniques to monitor and react to security threats dynamically, offering a comprehensive solution for protecting cloud-stored data.

Keywords : Cloud data security, AES encryption, RC6 encryption, Support vector machine, Data security.
Cite this article : Hussain MZ, Gautam S. Enhanced data security in cloud environments: integrating AES, RC6 encryption, and support vector machine. ACCENTS Transactions on Information Security. 2024; 9(37):20-26. DOI:10.19101/TIS.2024.935003.