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International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR)

ISSN (Print):2249-7277    ISSN (Online):2277-7970
Volume-7 Issue-31 July-2017
Full-Text PDF
Paper Title : Fuzzy zero day exploits detector system
Author Name : Adnan Shaout and Cameron Smyth
Abstract :

Intrusion detection systems today are relatively capable of detecting network intrusions by attackers. Unfortunately, these systems operate on a network level and not on a system level. Meanwhile, antivirus software is typically capable of detecting known viruses but cannot easily stop zero day exploits. The paper will propose a fuzzy inference system to detect exploitation of a system using system metrics such as CPU, memory usage and network connections. This system is implemented using the MATLAB fuzzy logic toolbox. The design was tested and provided reasonable results.

Keywords : Intrusion detection system, Fuzzy exploit monitor, Fuzzy inference system, Computer security, Zero day exploits.
Cite this article : Adnan Shaout and Cameron Smyth , " Fuzzy zero day exploits detector system " , International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR), Volume-7, Issue-31, July-2017 ,pp.154-163.DOI:10.19101/IJACR.2017.730022
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