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International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR)

ISSN (Print):2249-7277    ISSN (Online):2277-7970
Volume-7 Issue-33 November-2017
Full-Text PDF
Paper Title : VBTones a visual to auditory device for the blind
Author Name : Nooshin Riahi, Seyede Fatemeh Mirhoseini and Eyesun Mehrbani
Abstract :

Sensory substitution contains methods which send perceptible information of a sensory organ to the brain through other sensory modalities, resulting in the rehabilitation of the lost perception. Additionally, they may also be taken into consideration as research devices to examine the brain mechanisms and its cross-modal function. Visual to auditory sensory substitution used in experimentation aimed to provide visually impaired people with environmental perception. According to this paper, vOICe based tones (VBTones) has been introduced as a tool converting visual data into auditory output, where each image row is assigned to a specific sound frequency and the sound amplitude is referred to brightness of the pixel, where the image is scanned, converted the sound is generated column by column. Gradually forming a continuous sound made of single column waves which are the sum of multiple sinusoidal waves of different amplitudes and frequencies related to specific pixels. The objective of this study is to maximize the perception of visual information through audio. Thus, elimination of unnecessary image information is required. By applying anisotropic filtering methods in addition to a Laplacian-Gaussian filter, the produced sound turned out to be finer in texture and more perceivable. Moreover, this study shows analysis of the efficiency of this tool and several enhancements on both sighted participants and the visually impaired ones. The blind scored 87% and the sighted 78% accuracy in recognition in the designed test.

Keywords : Sensory substitution, Image to audio conversion, Blind rehabilitation, Anisotropic filtering.
Cite this article : Nooshin Riahi, Seyede Fatemeh Mirhoseini and Eyesun Mehrbani, " VBTones a visual to auditory device for the blind " , International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR), Volume-7, Issue-33, November-2017 ,pp.233-241.DOI:10.19101/IJACR.2017.733033
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